Bit of a change here as it’s not travel or food but is becoming my main pain in the arse and everyone I know’s life. I think i’m a normal thinking bloke in the street and the thought has now crossed my mind as to why the bloody hell do I bother voting for any of these bozo’s. The whole country is falling to bits with higher interest rates doing nothing but screwing everyone’s income so people strike for more money understandably as the cost of living is beyond many’s means but get a grip because they say the cost of living is due to higher food costs and energy. Problem with this is that you can’t actually go without food or energy and they say well that’s what’s causing it so the question is why ?. Ok there’s lots of conflicting stuff going on in the world but if the supermarkets say our prices are rising because of production of food, delivery, fuel prices, staff wages and dozens of other factors that they come up with how come there declaring bigger profits year on year ?. The excuse seems to be oh well our profits are only up by x% which is lower than forecast. Sorry but fuck me how much do you actually need and boy i’d love to have a business that makes a profit year on year even if it is only 1%. British Gas have just more than doubled the prices for a new business contract and the government have withdrawn any help for small outfits. Tell me why if the prices for wholesale energy has and is falling why am I expected to pay more than double. Don’t give me that old flannel that we bought and what is now being used by you cost x% more so we need to recoup that cost, sorry bollocks you’ve just posted £2.5billion profit so where’s that come from, if life’s been so difficult for you and you come out with that old headline our % of profit is down year on year, well thank you for that shitheads.
So I ask myself what are the so called leaders doing ?, I can tell you that what they’re doing and it probably equates to fuck all, as all any government seems to do is have dozens of enquiries as to why they fucked up in the first place which takes bloody years to come to a conclusion that most sensible people think no shit Sherlock within two minutes and wouldn’t have cost us untold millions of pounds for some Lord Whatsit you’ve never heard of to say well there it is end of and I stretched out to more pages than the bloody bible. So at the moment the whole political cobblers is about our ex PM, fat privileged Boris the Bozo and did he lie. For gods sake of course he did because he’s privileged and doesn’t give a shit and let’s be honest 90% of the population don’t either, just bugger off and do whatever as long as we don’t have to read about it, but no this is what’s taking up the governments time but there’s loads of this shit going on why can’t you do what you were elected to do instead of ridiculous childish persecution witch hunts. God I wish we still burnt people at the stake it’s much simpler and cheaper.

This whole scenario is going to get worse and sooner or later we’re going to end up like our buddies across the pond with some wizened old bloke who seems to think he’s Irish because of some great grand parent or whatever, well here’s some news mate, we’re all something if we can be arsed digging for it. Then there’s the other deranged old dolt Trump who is actually more dangerous but I guess that they’re only figure heads and not really allowed to do much but what do I know.
I may continue with this thread as I doubt anyone’s going to read it but it makes me feel better, I’ll wait and see what comes along as all parties make me laugh and cry at the same time.


  1. You hit the nail on the head regarding our leaders here in the US – puppets who don’t care. Our cost of living has gone through the roof too, but I think it’s a global problem. Everyone blames it on Covid, and I doubt prices will ever go back down.


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